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Privacy Policy

"SwiftDrip Mobile IV Hydration, Inc. values the privacy of its users (referred to as "users" or "you") who utilize our website located at, including various media forms, media channels, mobile websites, or mobile applications associated with it (collectively referred to as the "Website"). This Privacy Policy outlines our practices concerning the information we may collect from you during your use of the Website. It also explains how we use and disclose this information, along with your rights regarding such data. Any modifications to this Privacy Policy are detailed at the end of this document. Please check the date of this Privacy Policy each time you access the Website, as the most current version will apply.


The Website is hosted in the United States and subject to U.S. state and federal laws. By accessing our Website from other jurisdictions, you acknowledge that your personal information is being transferred to the United States. Your use of our Website implies your consent to such transfer and the usage of your personal information as outlined in this Privacy Policy. You also agree to adhere to the relevant laws of your jurisdiction governing internet use, including data collection, usage, and disclosure. If your use of the Website is deemed unlawful in your jurisdiction, please refrain from using it.






Website Users in General


"Non-Personally-Identifying Information" refers to data that cannot, on its own, be directly linked to a specific individual. In contrast, "Personally-Identifying Information" includes information such as a name or email address that can be tied directly to a particular person. Like most website operators, SwiftDrip Mobile IV Hydration, Inc. collects Non-Personally-Identifying Information from Website users. This information may encompass the user's Internet Protocol (IP) address, operating system, browser type, and the websites visited before, during, and after accessing the Website. Although this information is not Personally-Identifying, it may allow SwiftDrip Mobile IV Hydration, Inc. to identify a user's Internet service provider, approximate geographic location, and other statistical usage data. SwiftDrip Mobile IV Hydration, Inc. analyzes this Non-Personally-Identifying Information to gain insights into how the Website is used, helping us improve content and user experience. Occasionally, we may share aggregated Non-Personally-Identifying Information with the public, such as in a report on Website usage trends.


Web Cookies


A "Web Cookie" is a string of data that assigns a unique identifier to a user's computer, stored by a website and provided to the website each time the user interacts with it. We employ cookies on the Website for various purposes, such as tracking your service usage, recording your login credentials, capturing user preferences, maintaining your Website session, and streamlining purchase processes. SwiftDrip Mobile IV Hydration, Inc. also uses Web Cookies to monitor the pages visited by users during each session, facilitating both user experience improvement and Website usage analysis. Just like other Non-Personally-Identifying Information, data collected via Web Cookies is often shared in an aggregated form to help us, our partners, and others better comprehend how the Website is utilized. USERS WHO PREFER NOT TO HAVE WEB COOKIES STORED ON THEIR DEVICES CAN CONFIGURE THEIR BROWSERS TO REJECT SUCH COOKIES BEFORE ACCESSING THE WEBSITE. PLEASE NOTE THAT CERTAIN FEATURES OF THE WEBSITE MAY NOT FUNCTION CORRECTLY WITHOUT WEB COOKIES ENABLED. USERS WHO OPT TO DISABLE WEB COOKIES ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY RESULTING LOSS OF FUNCTIONALITY.


Third-Party Advertisers


We may enlist third-party advertising firms to display ads when you visit the Website. These companies may use information (excluding Personally-Identifying Information) about your Website visits and other websites you've visited, collected through Web Cookies, to present advertisements tailored to your interests. You can opt out of numerous third-party ad servers and networks using a tool provided by the Network Advertising Initiative. For more information on how to manage your choices regarding data collection by these companies, please visit the following links:,, or If you want to know the identities of the third-party advertising firms currently employed by us, please reach out to us.


We may grant advertisers the option to target their advertisements to users with specific characteristics, using Non-Personally Identifying Information, such as age or preferences, collected from various sources. However, we do not reveal your identity to advertisers.


Web Beacons


A "Web Beacon" is an invisible object embedded in a webpage or email, allowing website operators to ascertain whether a user has viewed a particular webpage or email. SwiftDrip Mobile IV Hydration, Inc. may employ Web Beacons on the Website and in emails to track users who have visited specific pages, viewed emails, and to provide co-branded services. Web Beacons do not access Personally-Identifying Information and are primarily used to gather aggregated statistics on Website usage. They collect limited information, including a Web Cookie number, date and time of page or email viewing, and a description of the page or email. While you cannot decline Web Beacons themselves, you can render them ineffective by declining all Web Cookies or configuring your browser to notify you of each Web Cookie, allowing you to accept or decline them individually.







We may use third-party vendors, such as Google, who employ first-party and third-party cookies (such as the Google Analytics cookie and the DoubleClick cookie) to monitor, optimize, and deliver ads based on your past Website activities, including Google Analytics for Display Advertising. Information collected may be used for purposes like data analysis, content popularity assessment, and understanding online activity patterns. To opt out of data collection and use by Google Analytics, you can install an opt-out tool in your web browser (, or use Google's Ads Settings ( to opt out of Google Analytics for Display Advertising or the Google Display Network.


Aggregated and Non-Personally-Identifying Information


We may share aggregated and Non-Personally Identifying Information under any of the circumstances mentioned earlier. This data may also be shared with third parties, including advisors, advertisers, and investors, for general business analysis purposes. For instance, we may inform advertisers about the number of Website visitors and the most popular features or services. This information does not contain Personally-Identifying Information and is used to develop content and services that we believe users will find interesting, as well as to target content and advertisements more effectively.


Additional Mobile Device Terms

 • Mobile Device: If you access the Website using a mobile device or download our applications, we may collect device information (such as your mobile device ID, model, manufacturer), operating system details, version information, and IP address.


• Geo-Location Information: Unless we have received your prior consent, we do not access or track location-based data from your mobile device while you download or use our mobile application or services. However, we may use your IP address to determine your approximate location, should it be feasible.


• Push Notifications: If you opt in to receive push notifications, we may send you notifications regarding messages or service-related matters. You can disable these notifications in your device settings.


• Mobile Analytics: We employ mobile analytics software to better understand how our mobile software functions on your device. This software may record data like usage frequency, in-application events, performance metrics, and download source information. However, this information is not linked to Personally-Identifying Information submitted through the mobile application.






We may offer the option to link your Website account to your social networking profiles for purposes such as login convenience, information sharing, or enabling specific Website features. When you log in using social network credentials, we may access Personally-Identifying Information you have made publicly available on the respective social networking site, such as your name, profile picture, cover photo, username, gender, friend list, and other publicly shared information. Once connected, other users may also see details about your social network, like the size of your network and common friends. By connecting your Website account to your social networking profiles, you consent to the continuous release of information to us. We will not share your account information with the social networking site without informing you. Each social network typically allows you to adjust privacy settings for your information on their platform. This feature is subject to change without prior notice.


We may include hyperlinks on the Website that redirect you to social networks when clicked. When you interact with social network plugins, such as Facebook's "Like" button or Twitter's "tweet" button, your browser directly connects to the respective social network's servers. If you do not click these buttons, no data will be sent to the social network's plugin provider. However, if you do click, the social network will receive your IP address, browser version, screen resolution, and device operating system. Please refer to the respective social networks' privacy policies for more information, as we do not control these third-party sites.




Website Registration


Personally-Identifying Information directly relates to an identifiable individual. SwiftDrip Mobile IV Hydration, Inc. may collect a variety of Personally-Identifying Information from Website users. Much of this information is provided by users themselves during activities such as registration, logging in with social network credentials, participating in polls, contests, surveys, responding to offers or advertisements, communicating with us, creating public profiles, or subscribing to newsletters. This data may include names, addresses, email addresses, telephone numbers, and, for users who make transactions, financial information like credit card details. We may also request additional demographic information like age, gender, birth date, hometown, and other relevant details as determined by SwiftDrip Mobile IV Hydration, Inc. Users are not obliged to provide Personally-Identifying Information, but refusing to do so may limit access to specific Website features.





Online Postings


 Certain Personally-Identifying Information may be disclosed due to the user's interactions with the Website, such as when posting reviews and other information about their activities. These postings are governed by our Terms of Use. Furthermore, these postings may be displayed on other websites or search results related to the user's posting. When users voluntarily disclose personal information on publicly-accessible web pages, it becomes publicly available and can be collected and used by others. SwiftDrip Mobile IV Hydration, Inc. cannot control who views these postings or how other users may use this voluntarily shared information. Consequently, users are encouraged to exercise caution when sharing personal information online.


Company Communications


We may occasionally use your name and email address to send notifications about new Website services or important announcements. We may also send service-related messages periodically as part of our standard operations. Generally, users can opt out of marketing emails at the time of registration or through their account settings. However, we retain the right to send essential account notices, such as service updates and administrative messages, even if users opt out of marketing communications.


Company Disclosures


SwiftDrip Mobile IV Hydration, Inc. will only disclose Personally-Identifying Information in specific circumstances:


• Legal Compliance or Rights Protection: We may disclose Personally-Identifying Information if we believe it is appropriate in connection with efforts to investigate, prevent, or address illegal activities, suspected fraud, or other wrongdoing. This includes protecting and defending our rights, property, and safety, as well as complying with applicable laws, court orders, or government agency requests. In such cases, we may raise or waive any legal objection or right available to us.


• Marketing Communications: Unless users opt out of receiving marketing materials during registration, we may email users about products and services we believe may interest them, from us, our affiliate companies, or other third parties. To opt out of marketing materials from us, users can follow the unsubscribe link in the email, manage their account settings, or contact us using the information provided below.


• Third-Party Marketing Communications: Unless users opt out during registration, we may provide users' email information to third parties to enable direct contact about additional products and services. Users can prevent their email information from being shared with third parties by managing their account settings or contacting us. However, users may continue to receive marketing emails from third parties to whom we have previously provided their email information. Users must directly contact these third parties to cease further marketing emails.

• Third-Party Service Providers: We may share Personally-Identifying Information, including names and contact details (including email addresses), with authorized service providers who perform various services on our behalf. These services may include order fulfillment, customer support, marketing assistance, business and sales analysis, Website functionality support, and support for contests, sweepstakes, surveys, and other Website features. We may also share names, contact information, and credit card details with authorized service providers handling credit card payments. These providers may access the personal information necessary to perform their functions but are not permitted to share or use this information for other purposes.


• Business Transfers and Bankruptcy: In the event of a merger, acquisition, bankruptcy, or sale of all or part of SwiftDrip Mobile IV Hydration, Inc.'s assets, we may transfer all Personally-Identifying Information in our possession to a successor organization. Unless ordered by a court, the use and disclosure of transferred Personally-Identifying Information will be subject to this Privacy Policy or a new privacy policy if users are provided notice and the opportunity to opt out. Personally-Identifying Information submitted or collected after a transfer may be subject to a new privacy policy adopted by the successor organization.


Changing Personally-Identifying Information and Account Termination


Users can review or modify their Personally-Identifying Information at any time by accessing their account settings or contacting us using the provided contact information. Upon request, we will deactivate or delete users' accounts and contact information from our active databases. This information will be deactivated or deleted as soon as possible based on account activity, our deactivation policy, and applicable law. However, please note that we may retain some Personally-Identifying Information to prevent fraud, address issues, assist with investigations, enforce our Terms of Use, and comply with legal requirements as permitted by law. Consequently, users should not expect that all their Personally-Identifying Information will be completely removed from our databases in response to their requests. Additionally, we maintain a history of changes to investigate potential fraudulent activity on user accounts.


General Use


We use the Personally-Identifying Information we collect and other information obtained from user activities on the Website for various purposes, including:


  1. Delivering requested products and services.

  2. Managing user accounts and providing customer support.

  3. Communicating with users through email, postal mail, telephone, or mobile devices about products, services, or offers from us, our affiliate companies, or third parties.

  4. Developing and displaying content and advertising tailored to user interests on the Website and other sites.

  5. Resolving disputes and troubleshooting problems.

  6. Measuring consumer interest in our services.

  7. Informing users of updates.

  8. Customizing user experiences.

  9. Detecting and preventing errors, fraud, and other illegal activities.

  10. Enforcing our Terms of Use.


We may also review user Personally-Identifying Information for accuracy and to identify errors or omissions. Financial information may be used to process payment for purchases made on the Website, enroll users in discount or rebate programs they choose to participate in, protect against or identify potential fraudulent transactions, and manage our business.




SwiftDrip Mobile IV Hydration, Inc. contractually restricts its contractors, affiliates, vendors, and suppliers from disclosing Personally-Identifying Information received from us, except as permitted by this Privacy Policy. However, third parties are not obligated to comply with this Privacy Policy regarding Personally-Identifying Information users provide directly to those third parties or that those third parties collect for themselves. These third parties include advertisers, providers of games, utilities, widgets, and various other third-party applications accessible through the Website. SwiftDrip Mobile IV Hydration, Inc. neither owns nor controls third-party websites and applications accessible through the Website. Therefore, this Privacy Policy does not apply to information provided directly to or collected by these third parties. Users should familiarize themselves with the privacy policies and practices (if any) of the third-party websites and applications they use and take necessary steps to protect their privacy.




We take the security of your Personally-Identifying Information seriously and employ reasonable electronic, personnel, and physical measures to protect it from loss, theft, alteration, or misuse. However, even the best security measures cannot eliminate all risks. We cannot guarantee that only authorized persons will access your information. We are not responsible for third-party circumvention of privacy settings or security measures.


We are committed to safeguarding all information on the Website. However, it is your responsibility to maintain the confidentiality of your Personally-Identifying Information by keeping your password secure. If you suspect unauthorized access to your account, change your password immediately. In the event of account loss, please notify us promptly.




SwiftDrip Mobile IV Hydration, Inc. may modify this Privacy Policy at its sole discretion. Any changes to this Privacy Policy will be posted on this page, with the date of the new version at the top. Unless specified otherwise, our current Privacy Policy applies to all information in our possession about you and your account. Users should regularly check this page for updates to this Privacy Policy. SwiftDrip Mobile IV Hydration, Inc. will post new versions of the Privacy Policy on the Website, and we may choose to notify users of changes via email or other means, as determined by our discretion. Consequen

tly, it is important for users to maintain and update their contact information.




The Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) safeguards the online privacy of children under the age of 13. We do not knowingly collect or maintain Personally-Identifying Information from anyone under 13 years of age, except as permitted by law. Any person providing Personally-Identifying Information through the Website represents that they are 13 years of age or older. If we learn that we have collected Personally-Identifying Information from a user under 13 years of age through the Website, we will take appropriate steps to delete this information. If you are the parent or legal guardian of a child under 13 who has created a Website account or transferred Personally-Identifying Information to the Website, please contact us to terminate the child's account and delete their information.




The California Civil Code Section 1798.83, known as the "Shine The Light" law, permits California residents to request and obtain from us once a year, free of charge, information about the Personally-Identifying Information (if any) we disclosed to third parties for direct marketing purposes in the previous calendar year. If applicable, this information would include a list of the categories of Personally-Identifying Information shared and the names and addresses of all third parties with which we shared Personally-Identifying Information in the preceding calendar year. California residents who wish to make this request can submit it in writing to our privacy officer using the contact information below.




Most web browsers and some mobile operating systems offer a Do-Not-Track (DNT) feature or setting to indicate your privacy preference against monitoring and collecting data on your online browsing activities. Since there is no common standard for interpreting the DNT signal, the Website currently does not respond to DNT browser signals or mechanisms.




If you have any questions about our Privacy Policy, please contact us at"

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